If you are in need of a solution for one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge might be the right dental treatment for you! Lume Dental is pleased to offer this very natural looking restoration option that can replace one or more missing teeth and give you the smile you deserve!
A dental bridge, also known as a fixed partial denture, is an effective restoration option that is used to replace one or more teeth in the same area. By using your abutment teeth to anchor the bridge too, a dental bridge essentially “bridges” or fills in the gap that is left behind from your missing tooth or teeth by placing a false tooth or teeth in the area where the gap is. Dental Bridges can be shaped and coloured just like your natural teeth, so they seamlessly blend in with the rest of your mouth for a natural and functional appearance. Your adjacent teeth will need to be crowned to ensure that your bridge remains in place and your overall bite is stabilized. This results in a strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth that can bring your smile back to its original state!
If your confidence has been affected by one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge might be the restorative solution for you! If you would like to learn more about dental bridges, or you are wondering whether you would be a good candidate for a dental bridge, please give our dedicated Lume Dental team a call at (403) 986-5680 and we will be happy to help!
Call Lume Dental at (403) 986-5680 to set up your Dental Bridges appointment today!
At Lume Dental, our entire staff is dedicated to creating a positive dental experience for you and your family at each and every visit.
We are pleased to offer convenient and free parking located directly outside our clinic.
Our ultimate goal is to form a long-term partnership with you to assist you in achieving optimal dental health now and throughout your life.
Lume Dental is pleased to offer in-office 3D Digital imaging.
You can trust that Lume Dental will provide you with the top-notch dental care you need to keep your smile healthy and cavity-free. At Lume Dental, we want to see you smile now, and for a lifetime!
For your convenience, we send out reminders before each appointment.